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Tongyu Main Product:glue gun ,glue stick Technic sustaining:Hangzhou Chuangyi

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Flexible solar cell conversion rate of breakthrough

   Swiss Federal Materials Science and Technology Laboratory scientists have recently perfected before the development of flexible solar cells, achieving a record 18.7% efficiency.

     Although the flexible copper indium gallium selenide (CIGS) solar cells is currently an emerging field, however, a team of scientists led by Warri after years of efforts to improve the efficiency of the material. Warri is the author of the study. He said: "CIGS solar cells achieved 18.7% conversion rate for us is a huge success,glue stick which further demonstrates the practicality of CIGS." Manufactured before the team has a flexible solar cell efficiency of 17.5%. CIGS layer between an impurity diffusion barrier covered with steel foil - a thin coating of material to prevent spread, the temperature is about 550 degrees Celsius, which is the 17.5% conversion rate of the main parts.glue gun In order to achieve 18.7% efficiency, scientists have improved the CIGS layer and the specific structural features to generate low temperature deposition layer. Scientists believe that flexible high-performance CIGS solar cells is an advantage because it simplifies processing and reduces production costs.

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