New Year and Spring Festival this year time to close, so the New Year holiday is the consumption of relatively small concentration of the holiday. Jinan City, the business sector learned from the new years day, Jinan City, Command Center received 12,315 complaints and reports, consumer complaints and reports 624,glue stick the consumer advice amounted to 97.76%, which is a home appliance service and quality of clothing the focus of inquiries and complaints.
Many consumers take advantage of a small New Year's Day holiday to buy clothing, home electrical equipment replacement for the needs of businesses has also increased its advertising efforts, to offer sales, discounts and sales promotions in various forms. However, consumption of excessive concentration of services to make significant individual industries lag, and, for certain commodities, but also varying degrees of quality defects caused by consumer dissatisfaction. Zhang consumers shopping ordered in a flat-panel TVs, goods delivered, glue gun quickly contact your installer, so one afternoon who had just arrived home installation is installed, but the installation process, the service does not match the parts brought , had extended the holiday to take advantage of Mr. Chang, a fancy new television program for a time into the air. Lee bought the jacket in a mall, not put down one day to find that spillover to find vendors were told was "normal."
Trade and Industry Bureau of Jinan City, according to Consumer Protection Department, introduced by the Director Liu Jianguo, sales promotion appliance market during the holiday season caused an increase in consumer disputes, and clothing and shoes department store commodities also had a increasing trend, "mainly in the business do not follow the agreement and send goods business days after being told to wait no longer stock this product, you can refund; manufacturers do not follow the commitment of time to install, the installer different quality, some even by manufacturers to set emergency temporary casual workers have not been systematic training, installation technology is difficult to cross the border, the attitude has been damaged. "