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Climate anomalies lead to drought-owned power enterprises in the "get together" in Southeast Asia

    Climate anomalies led to the Mekong River Basin in southwest China and the severe drought in the State, in the April 2 to 5, the Mekong River Commission since 1995 held its first summit since the establishment.

    Mekong River flows through Myanmar, Laos, Thailand,glue stick Cambodia and Vietnam the five countries, including Cambodia, Laos, Myanmar and the three countries, the hydropower projects can be said that the most important investment in the capital.

    April 1, the Huadian Group, the amount of investment in the construction of Le Race in Cambodia launched the construction of hydropower projects downstream of the hydropower projects with total planned investment of about 5.8 billion U.S. dollars, glue gun plans to generate electricity in 2013. So far, five major power except Guodian, the rest of the four hydropower projects in Southeast Asia has been in operation.

    Earlier, CPI announced that it would speed up the Iraqi River upstream hydropower projects in Myanmar development and construction, a number of power while advancing; and Huaneng in Myanmar Ruili River Project Phase I has also been achieved in last year's production and profitability; Huadian Group, located in Indonesia, Asa Han a transfer station  unit has been activated and will be in April to enter the pilot phase involving network; Cambodia is currently the largest cooperation project - from the surgeon's Si Dengwo Datang Group, on behalf of the hydropower project is also the official 2011 completed.

    According to "Business Weekly" reported, Heinrich Boll Foundation, the World Wildlife Fund (WWF) and the International Institute for Sustainable Development (IISD) 2008 issued a report statistics, Chinese enterprises have been in Laos or plan or participate in financing the construction of 17 hydropower projects, of which China accounted for Water Resources and Hydropower Construction Group, a major share of the company; in Cambodia has six hydroelectric project, China Water Power, Datang Group, State Grid Xin Yuan, China Gezhouba Group, China National Heavy Machinery Corporation and other companies have entered.

    Why dense crowding together of the Power Group in Southeast Asia, and as a "going out" strategy, the main destination?

    Hydropower expert Zhang Boting April 6 interview that the Southeast Asian rich hydropower resources, but development lags behind, the available power and development funds to double the shortage, but also close to China's geographic advantages to achieve power back to the delivery, help southwestern region "west to east to send. "

    Concentration of water.

    China's long history of participation in international hydropower development, but are basically in Hydropower Construction Group, the role of contractors involved; involved in the project over one hundred, but only participate in the construction are not involved in investment. Be open five major power companies overseas development of domestic water and as "owner" of precedent.

    Huaneng Group to become the first start, its level in Myanmar Ruili River Power Station was put into operation last May, with a total installed capacity of 60 million kilowatts, designed annual power generation was 40 billion kwh.

    Li Zhao-Kui Director of Information Services Huaneng Group told this reporter, Huaneng Shweli Hydropower Station is the "going out" strategy, the main component of Huaneng Lancang River Hydropower Co., Ltd by hydropower development in the Group's financial strengths and advantages, the successful commissioning Operation of power generation and to achieve year profit of that year.

    Zhang Boting that lags behind the shortage of funds and development of the Mekong sub-region is becoming a hydropower development are two major obstacles behind, and this is the advantage of five major power.

    Huaneng can smoothly take over the year of the project, Myanmar is a shortage of funds led to the project schedule, and ultimately by China Huaneng the other two companies combined 2.96 billion yuan investment in joint venture with the Myanmar government built (total investment of 3.2 billion), the specific power distribution scheme 85% for the Chinese, Myanmar 15%. In addition to the Government of Myanmar 15% of the revenue power, there are 20% of China's hydropower profits and taxes turned over all.

    Zhao-Kui said that with the successful experience of power Shweli, Huaneng Group is also actively looking for new local investment projects.

    November 12, 2009, China Huaneng Lancang River Hydropower Co., Ltd. and Myanmar Electric Power Division of a hydropower project in Myanmar capital Naypyidaw Shweli two hydropower project signed Memorandum of Understanding on development rights, the station is expected installed capacity of 520,000 kilowatts. "But when there is no timetable yet started."

    In addition, Huaneng this month, Myanmar also signed the first foreign investment in Myanmar thermal power project - Yangon coal-fired power plant project - the right to develop the memorandum of understanding, the estimated total installed capacity of 270,000 kilowatts.

    Compared with Huaneng, China Power Investment to enter Myanmar relatively late. But it is worth noting that it acquired the entire Iraqi River upstream cascade station development rights, estimated total investment of up to 2000 billion yuan.

    According to reports, Iraqi River upstream hydropower projects are located in the territory of northern Myanmar's Kachin State, near the Burma border, and China's Tibet, Yunnan and India border. Project planning and construction of dense pine, its culture, Utopia, horses spread widely Trump, Renam, Laza seven power stations and a cascade to solve the seven power stations supporting the construction of electricity power station construction is expected to total installed capacity of 20 million kilowatts, more than the total installed capacity of Three Gorges Power Station (1820 MW), planned from 2010 to 2024 developed in three batches.

    "Huadian hydropower projects in Southeast Asia Cambodia is currently dominated by the amount of Ni Asa Le Han race and composition of India, which will be put into operation this year." April 8, the Director of Public Relations Huadian Elohim told reporters, Huadian in overseas, mainly from the Huadian Power Project Ltd, Hong Kong, Le match the amount of foreign investment and development project is the capacity of Huadian's largest hydropower station, "Huadian into Southeast Asia, has the purpose to open up overseas markets, but also increase the local electricity supply capabilities and management operational level. "

    It is reported that Huadian except to BOT, EPC (EPC) mode in the overseas construction of power stations, but also output management technology. Such as Huadian operating company that is responsible for more than 10 overseas power plant operation and maintenance work, these plants are: India, Adani, India DURGAPUR, Philippines MARIVELES, Indonesia, Puerto Princesa, Ni Asa Han hydropower India, Indonesia, Belden, Sri Lanka Tel & P Farm, Bintulu Malaysia, Bangladesh Rasi Wright, Cambodia, the amount of Le contest.

    As the second largest Datang Power Generation Group, the Southeast Asia operation of power station project has three major power groups than other less, but the board considerably. Datang is currently in Cambodia and Myanmar are the layout, there is a world with a total investment of 3.6869 billion dollars in Si Dengwo on behalf of the hydropower station project on behalf of the Si Dengwo and Phnom Penh - Buddha - Battambang transmission line project components, which is also the domestic power generation companies in the first foreign power projects; installed capacity of 24 million kilowatts of Myanmar Taipingjiang a hydropower project is planned to the end of 2010 all units put into operation 4.

    "In January of this year, we are also working with the Union of Myanmar Electric Power Division of a hydropower project in Myanmar on cooperation in development education Wadi, Lampang River, Nandan Pa Lay absurd Creek River and four hydropower projects Memorandum of Understanding." Datang Group, a Insiders told this reporter, as the host country in Southeast Asia and Yunnan border more, so the project company by the Yunnan Datang.

    Power to send electricity back.

    Zhang Boting pointed out that, despite the current relative shortage of power in Southeast Asia, but the assimilative capacity of the local consumption is still limited, the major power groups in Southeast Asia, or to take advantage of geographical advantages, to achieve the domestic transmission. The Group also intends to significantly increase the proportion of non-fossil energy sources, development of hydropower in Southeast Asia to just serve multiple purposes.

    The sources told the newspaper in the CPI, the Iraqi power station River upstream from the China-Burma border in the average distance of 80km or less, with at ultra high voltage, large capacity directly to the load center of China's favorable conditions for transmission.

    It is understood that the basin's largest Myitsone January this year took the lead through the National Development and Reform Commission approved the construction has entered the preparation stage, completed in 2017 is expected to generate electricity.

    Put into operation last year, Huaneng Power Station has taken the lead Shweli transmission to domestic, overseas Chinese investment in power back to the sending station for the first time. Zhao-Kui said the China Southern Power Grid is responsible for construction of transmission line route, through the China Southern Power Grid has been "Plan" load center to the domestic transmission.

    China Power Investment Iran River upstream project evaluation report noted that hydropower is the most economical and reliable renewable energy development and transmission of hydropower resources in Myanmar China, in line with national industrial policy, also conducive to promoting national economic development in Myanmar.

    The assessment of the transmission values, the project is completed, can effectively reduce our fossil energy consumption, reduce emissions of greenhouse gases and pollutants, the annual consumption of 35 million tons of coal replacement, about 1 million tons CO2 emissions, SO28 tons, NOX19 tons .

    According to this newspaper know, five major power active "going out" Another factor is the development of hydropower resources for domestic water distribution has been basically completed, but also each have their own spheres of influence. Huadian Group, led development of the Jinsha River, Dadu River Guodian development, Huaneng Lancang River Basin development, China Power Investment Group, the main development of the Yellow River upper basin, while Datang Group's main sphere of influence in the Red River Basin in Guangxi.

    Five major power in the water to achieve the "additional" breakthrough, only "going out", Southeast Asia has become the best choice. Zhang Boting pointed out, Southeast Asia, near China, many basin is native to China, is relatively familiar with the domestic enterprises to develop more easily.

    It should be noted that political instability in some Southeast Asian countries become the five major power foreign investment in the most important roadblocks. April 8, Dehong chief of Foreign Trade Development Bureau of Commerce confirmed what the sea, Datang Power Group to be approved by the Government of Myanmar in Kachin State Building "Peace River power station," but the Kachin Independence Army held a weapon to threaten construction personnel, and finally forced Datang paid 20 million yuan and "resource tax."

    "The political situation in some Southeast Asian countries is not very stable, do a few years ago mainly to explore the way the nature of power, from an economic point of view, do the project in these countries as electricity price is low, very narrow profit margins." A five major power groups say, after the heat of the first two years after the current five major power station investment in Southeast Asia very cautious, not to emphasize the staking their claims, the project would rather choose to spend two to three years to do research again, "the overall situation in the show consideration for the national at the same time, more emphasis on economic returns. "

    Both BOT and direct investment.

    "Ruili River Hydropower Station is operating 40 years later returned to the Government of Myanmar, because it uses an investment approach is BOT (build - operate - transfer)." Huaneng Group, one insider told the newspaper that the project is also China's foreign hydropower largest investment in BOT projects.

    Newspaper found that the Government of Myanmar Huaneng has signed in three projects including the Ruili River I and II coal-fired power stations and thermal power plant project in Yangon, Datang Group, Myanmar, Cambodia, Si Dengwo generation of hydropower and river projects are using BOT Pacific investment patterns. The latest volume in Cambodia started construction of Le Race Huadian downstream hydropower project is also using BOT model, franchise operations for 30 years.

    Internationally, the BOT financing infrastructure has to relieve the shortage of funds, reduce the financial burden of the host government, etc., have been popular. Experts believe that the government is encouraging investors to invest in infrastructure, BOT projects generally provide administrative, legal, financial support, which reduces the risk of the project organizer, but also reduce the long-term by the host country for foreign investment in domestic energy the control of the concern.

    At the same time, five major power investment in hydropower projects in Southeast Asia also has a direct investment model projects: the development of CPI 200 000 000 000 Cascade River power station in Iraq is to direct investment in the development.

    "Direct investment risk is relatively bigger, more adequate preparatory work needs to be done, but in fact a joint venture with local enterprises have also played a role in risk sharing, revenue will also be long-term." Newspaper, said an industry expert.

    First started to loose Myitsone example, CPI is the first of Myanmar and Myanmar Ministry of Electric Power Asia, a joint venture development of the world's installed capacity of 600 million kilowatts, 308.6 kwh of electricity. Of: Xu Wei Xuan Liang Zhongrong Source: 21st Century Business Herald.

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