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General Manager of Jiuzhou Electric ZHAO Xiao cordially received by the national leaders

    The morning of March 7 to commemorate the "three ? Eight" 100th anniversary of International Women's Day Conference held in Beijing's Great Hall. Party and state leaders Hu Jintao, Wu Bangguo, Wen Jiabao, Jia Qinglin, Li Changchun, Xi Jinping, Li Keqiang, He Guoqiang, Zhou Yongkang attended the meeting.

    From all over the city of 154 outstanding women attended the Conference,glue stick Harbin, Miss Zhao Xiaohong General Manager of Jiuzhou Electric Co., Ltd. of Heilongjiang Province as an outstanding representation of women is also very honored to participate in the conference and get the party and state leaders cordially received,glue gun pictures taken.

    10:00, the General Assembly, amid the majestic national anthem started. In the warm applause, President Hu Jintao and other Party and state leaders to get "National Women Hongqi Shou" and "National Women Red Flag Collective," the honorary title of representatives of the award.

    CPC Central Committee General Secretary and State President and CMC Chairman Hu Jintao delivered an important speech at the meeting. Hu pointed out that 100 years ago, working women around the world with their diligence, courage, perseverance, to achieve gender equality, to seek their own liberation and development, promote human civilization and progress and make unremitting efforts, and write the world's magnificent epic chapter in the women's movement. 100 years, under the leadership of the Chinese Communist Party, the majority of women have always put our own future and destiny with the destiny of the State and the nation's future closely together, creating a difficult and glorious struggle, out of a deeply rooted in our history and reality, with strong characteristics of the times and distinctive Chinese characteristics, women's liberation and development path for the establishment of new China made a significant contribution, for the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation create a great achievement for the development of the women's movement the world has written a glorious chapter. Women can "half the sky" is the party of the majority of women and people of the important role and outstanding contribution to the highest praise.

    Hu stressed that under new historical conditions, the majority of our women to be passion for the country, high aspirations, ideals and beliefs of socialism with Chinese characteristics, firmly, absolutely determined to go the road of socialism with Chinese characteristics, and consciously assume the lofty mission entrusted by the times, and strive to uphold and develop socialism with Chinese characteristics and make greater contributions; to shoulder heavy responsibilities, work hard and building a moderately prosperous society and accelerating the socialist modernization drive and give full play "half the sky" effect, and consciously made a staunch supporter of reform and opening up and actively promoted in the socialist economic construction, political construction, cultural, social, and ecological construction and party building in all areas of heroic exhibition; to heritage of civilization, promoting the fresh air, in the promotion of social harmony in the play a unique role carry forward the traditional virtues of the Chinese nation, conscious of social responsibility, and actively practice gender equality, care for the young, love and help, courageous in society, promote the formation of all mutual love, happiness and peace of every family, social harmony and development of a good situation; To study hard, hard knowledge, to do self-esteem, confidence, self-reliance, self-improvement of the era of women, in the sincere dedication to the motherland and the people in and increase their abilities to the motherland and the people where it is needed to temper the wind section, so that the struggle of life in regret bloom a brilliant luster.

    Must continue to stand for peace, development and cooperation, strengthen cooperation with countries in the exchange of women and women's organizations, with people of all countries to promote the world women's career development, to promote an enduring peace, common prosperity and harmonious world and make greater contributions.

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