Doors and windows are two of the enclosure housing components, the main function is for transportation access, separate contact architectural space, ventilation and lighting and so on. Check the general requirement is to install windows and doors Euparagonimus solid,glue stick non-warping, easy to open and flexible, closed tight, functional and reasonable ease of maintenance, spare parts, a fully equipped, location accurate.
Commonly used materials are wood windows and doors, steel, aluminum, plastic, glass and so on. Simple wooden doors and windows,glue gun suitable for manual processing, is has been widely used form. High strength steel doors and windows, the cross section of small, block less light can fire, the steel through the continuous improvement of window and door profiles, the formation of a variety of specifications of products. Common steel doors rust, heavy, high thermal conductivity. Now the new developed fasting aluminized steel windows and doors, steel-plated doors and windows, color plates of steel windows and doors, hollow plastic-steel windows have greatly improved the corrosion of steel doors and windows and energy-saving performance, has been to promote new residential use.
Lightweight aluminum alloy doors and windows, tall and straight fine, closed properties, houses in high demand has been widely adopted. However, a large aluminum alloy thermal conductivity, high cost and poor insulation. Good insulating properties of the current material, such as isolation layer made of plastic windows are made of plastic can greatly improve the thermal performance of aluminum windows and doors. The thermal performance of plastic doors and windows good, precision machining, corrosion resistance, is a promising type of doors and windows. At present the production of plastic doors and windows of the high cost, strength, rigidity and anti-aging properties to be increased, but with the plastics industry, high strength, anti-aging life of the plastic doors and windows for over 30 years, plastic doors and windows will more and more and more applications.
Currently, the required entry door shall not use plywood, door locks should be installed securely, bottom of windows, floor public hallway windows, entry door light on the sub-iron fence should be installed; glass doors and windows should be smooth surface, full of putty, paste firm.