Recently, the network officially approved separation of major reforms, stalled for more than eight of the separation of major reform seemed to be on the Fast Track. However, things are not so optimistic
National Development and Reform Commission scheduled to be completed during the year 2010 the grid separation of major reform efforts finally saw light of day. "State-owned enterprises," a reporter from the SASAC was informed early this year, the State Council leaders Quanyue separation of major reform programs agreed to the power grid, and clearly is responsible for organizing by the SASAC. glue stick Currently, the SAC is pay close attention to organization and implementation of reform program preparation. And this corresponds to the State Electricity Regulatory Commission and the State Grid Corporation of focus in 2011 to promote separation of major reforms in both the content. However, before the program did not like as strict media - will power the company's divestiture of all non-network assets, including those engaged in electrical design, equipment manufacturing, electric power construction work of the two units, and has drawn from the local power company to the non-network assets, such as EPRI and the National Network of two appliances and other ICT. glue gun But take care of the Power Grid Company's request, the power transmission and distribution companies most valued project retained the EPRI of China, State Grid is based on the original program of EPRI peel.