Recently, general motors announced that they will use the A123SystemsInc company provides the basis of phosphoric acid lithium ion battery, to replace the existing cell types. General motors said the lithium iron phosphate battery than it is now used by landa's battery more security, more durable. But so far, glue stick this type of battery has not started mass production, expected to reach 2013 years to reach the requirement of mass ZhuanPei. In fact, for lithium iron phosphate in battery electric vehicle, the application of domestic users is not new. From 2010 domestic first car sales for individuals of new energy vehicles byd double model electric car F3DM, as China's first to pure electric taxi byd e6, and in January has put into trial operation of passenger byd pure electric bus K9, glue gun using phosphoric acid of lithium iron batteries. By this year, in November, byd pure electric taxi already accumulative total e6 trip mileage 8 million kilometers, the longest trip mileage 170000 km bike, equal to six years of ordinary car trip mileage, validate the phosphoric acid lithium ion battery durability and stability.