According to statistics, the first quarter of 2010, the national volume of 14.57 million dwt shipbuilding, an increase of 128%, accounting for 41.1% market share in the world, which exports 79% of the total ship; new ship orders to undertake 8.26 million dwt, about new orders for the same period last year 10.5 times the amount of the world's total market share of 47.8%, of which exports 67% of the total ship; as of the end of March,glue stick holding the amount of 184.1 million dwt ship orders, held orders than the end of 2009, down 2.2% , accounting for 37.3% of world market share, which exports 88% of the total ship. The first quarter of shipbuilding capacity in China grew 128%, which is a staggering figure, the shipbuilding industry has begun to pick up, are registered to the peak.