Industry News

Tongyu Main Product:glue gun ,glue stick Technic sustaining:Hangzhou Chuangyi

Valve industry leader in the development of nuclear energy to benefit

    Although oil prices fell, but the new energy development is still the focus of future development, nuclear energy development as a preferred energy future of new energy will enter a peak stage of development, it can be concerned about the background of nuclear stocks.

Car sales falling four causes

    Ten nine silver gold is coming in August is car dealer marketing campaign began to strengthen an important period, but not from the downturn in the auto market appears to Huanguo Lai.glue stick As of August 25, Shunde Vehicle Administration Department from the amount of statistical data on the card this year, 1-7 months, except in January sales over the last year, the rest of the month on the card volume is less than last year.


Automotive electrical and electronics industry development trend forecast

    1, electronic content becoming saturated, according to some manufacturers estimate that the average non-hybrid vehicle electrical and electronic components and software costs no more, it is likely to remain in the vehicle cost 20% to 25%. Therefore, these components can only rely on the global market growth in the number of vehicles increase, glue stick coupled with light vehicles, the average retail price increase, assuming that the vehicle can be converted to electricity prices and cost estimates of electronic components.

Intertek help the new development of Chinese solar energy enterprises

     Quality and safety of the world's leading third party Intertek Intertek Group and the European So Juan larKeymark issuing one of the SP Swedish National Institute of Technology (SPTechnicalResearchInsti Juan tuteofSweden) signed a cooperation agreement. glue stick Under the agreement, the two sides SolarKeymark (solar key authentication) has reached a comprehensive cooperative program.

Eco-energy saving building - the perfect fusion of art and technology

    Increasingly large building energy consumption and environmental damage caused by growing public concern about eco-energy saving building also will become an important task. Government advocacy, policy development, media publicity, a time, some words frequently appear in our sight, such as: ecological building, energy-efficient buildings, green building, glue stick high-tech construction, intelligent building and a series of words are changed get familiar with them.

Smart grid electrical equipment standards will introduce cutting edge of technology companies a beachhead

    Power equipment manufacturers competing beachhead cutting edge of technology.

    Standard system for smart grid and smart grid plan of the release, in contrast, power companies the stakes of the new year will also be baked. More than six months, quietly preparing for smart grid power equipment manufacturers entering breath waiting for a time period.


GE reverse innovative development of medical products portable ultrasound instrument

    Last year in October, Web2.0 Summit in San Francisco, Jeff Immelt took out a "BlackBerry." Up the audience at once curious, why is the CEO of General Electric does not want to display their products. However, we found a close look, this gadget is not any communication products - the first part shows the ultrasound image of a patient's lungs, below is the action button.

Marketing from the grasp of three levels

    Well-known marketing experts Philip Kotler first came to China is, in my observation of most Chinese companies, Chinese companies do most of the market is doing so much marketing as it is doing the dumping.
    Recently, Wuhan University Institute of Marketing Head of the Department of Economics and Management, Ph.D. Professor Wang Tao recently to Zhejiang Zhongnan University of Economics EMBA class of students a lecture on "Strategic Marketing" sense that this is not his understanding of justice do not understand Chinese characters,glue stick but Many more people can see the domestic marketing concept is very confusing and even simple equivalent and sales.


Depot - Import refurbishment and upgrading of machine tool repair specialists in the field

    NC machine tool refurbishment and upgrading is carried out in recent years developed a new industry has formed a certain scale in foreign countries and markets. Comprehensive situation of our country, retrofit machine tools from the technical, financial enterprises will benefit,glue stick is the technological transformation of enterprises in China, a new idea. Derived Bowes is an experienced and capable in this field of professional business.

Nonylphenol, phthalates and polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons in the relationship

    Is well known that certain industrial chemicals can affect the hormone system and cause endocrine disorders. So far, hundreds of chemical substances will affect the endocrine system. glue stick The majority of such chemicals or aromatic phenolic compounds.


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Jiande Tongyu Electrical Appliance Tool Co.,Ltd. All Right reserved. Main Product:glue gun ,glue stick.