Abstract: Since the late 70s of last century, China's reform and opening up policy, China's economy has a huge development. During these 20 years, the Chinese gross national product (GDP) average annual growth of about 9%; in the last 4 years, the growth of GNP in China is: 1998 growth 7.8%, up 7 1999 . 2% growth in 2000 8.2 percent, while growth of more than 7% in 2001. The development of China's national economy, directly contributing to the development of China's construction industry.glue stick On the scale from the building, the size of China's construction industry in the world ranking in the construction industry can be considered almost second to none. Construction industry employees in China had 3,400 million, while in 1978 China adopted reform and opening up, China's construction industry employees in about 800 million people.glue gun Now the annual output value of China's construction industry is about 550 billion yuan, or about 67 billion U.S. dollars, in the construction floor area of about 14 million square meters of floor area completed each year about 6 million square meters. In addition, China's public investment in municipal facilities, 600 billion yuan per year, or about 73.3 billion U.S. dollars.