(1 ) Omo stone installation is complete, wash the need for local joint position , so that more uniform look straight vertical and horizontal joints , increasing the effect of decoration .
(2 ) Dry stone construction has been completed, the surface clean and clear gaps in the dust . First 8-10 mm diameter solid foam board shall fill the inside , leaving 5-6 mm deep slit in the seam on both sides of the stone , by 10-15 mm wide seam tape pasted to prevent gluing embedded Pollution board when sewing . And then gluing guns filled sealant . If you find pollution board sealant must be wiped off immediately . Location in a Window , the first seam along the granite stone plug bubble bar , and select high quality sealant to gluing , glue gun 15 mm deep , the last use? 10, a concave circular pressure plastic stick . After applied the adopted method of sprinkling water on the wall of the water resistance test wall . Meanwhile, in order to fight plastic surface looks continuous, smooth, skilled workers should be specially selected to operate
Author: Jiande Tongyu Electrical Tools Factory
Website: www.tygluegun.com
Main Products: glue gun?glue stick